Friday, May 20, 2011

ipod touch 4 generation 64gb

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  • greenstork
    Sep 12, 06:52 PM
    That is by NO MEANS CERTAIN!!! Think about it: FrontRow's Remote will work through this device communicating with the desktop to load content. iTV itself connects directly to the web and to iTunes to get trailers, etc.

    It is VERY feasible that a widget, or external USB device, of some sort will allow PVR (like elgato) to work via remote back to the software on the server. This would not be a difficult addon.

    If you're suggesting that Front Row's remote would be suitable for a DVR, I think you're dead wrong.

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  • ChrisA
    Sep 26, 12:08 PM
    What incentive does anyone ever have to buy if they keep announcing new chips?

    What incentive? Money. If you need to get some work out to a client you need to have some kind of computer. For example we bought a new Dual Xeon system with 4GB RAM and a set of SCSI disks because the old box was "way slow" now I can do many more Build/Test/Debug cycles every day. Yes there are now even faster boxes but I've gotten much more work done that had we waited would not have gotten done. The $4500 computer paid for it self rather quickly

    On the other hand if a computer is to be used as a game console and media player you can never justify the price. It's just a toy and you buy it with "disposable" income with no hope of a return on the investment

    But most of these Mac Pros are sold to people who at least hope to make more money with the machine than they spent for it. So for most users waiting is simply to expensive.

    Also solid state drives are needed to properly service the I/O needs. Why NOT put a solid state SATA drive in one slot on a MacPro so you can use it for a swap space?

    How many "page outs" per second does your system do? If you have enough RAM not many. Even those few writes DO go into RAM. There is likey a large RAM cache built into the disk drive. As for "page ins" they mostly come from your Applcations Folder, not the swap space. Mac OSX is smart enough to know that it does not need to write RAM pages to swap space if the RAM page contains only executable code. If you want to make the system go faster you would put your applactions in the solid state SATA so as to speed up page ins. But if space is limited a better way would be to put only the applactions you are currently using in the solid state SATA but to go even faster why not skip the bottleneck of the SATA interface and put the RAM that would have gone into the solid state SATA on your system bus. This is what modern computers do. They maintain a RAM cache of the disk(s). With the data (cache of the disk) in system RAM it need not even move. The OS simply does some "magic" with mapping registers and the data appera to move without need of any physical copy. A write to a register is more than 1000 times faster then moving data off a sold state SAYA drive.

    The ONLY cases where a solid state SATA disk could improve performance is (1) if you have already maxed out the computer's system RAM and need to add even more. So either your Mac Pro is at 16MB or you imac is at 3GB and you need more. or (2) You have a huge abount of dta to process and you put the data in the solid state drive. This means the drive will be hugely expensive. Cheaper to use something like a SAN storage.

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  • pmz
    Mar 18, 09:20 AM
    They offer an unlimited data plan for one device. There's nothing illegal about it. By sharing that data with other devices you are very clearly and very simply breaking the contract.

    Please point that out in the contract, know it all.

    Guess what, it isn't there.

    Go look up the word Unlimited in the dictionary. Internalize and understand it. Come back here when you're done. Then come into a court room. Id like to sit back watch you (as I will eventually be watching AT&T) dance around the clear and concise definition of the word.

    I've engaged in long, drawn out discussions with my legal pals about this very issue for several years, and they all agree it would completely impossible for AT&T to get out of court unscathed over this word "Unlimited"

    Most of you people don't grasp the significance of the word in this case, which is not at all surprising given the crowd. (young and/or naive).

    Most also think that because AT&T includes fine print in a contract, they can enforce it however they wish...which of course is a laughable fantasy to anyone who has sat through the first day of contract law.

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  • DTphonehome
    Mar 18, 02:39 PM
    might as well ask, other people are probably wondering too... whats DRM?

    DRM= digital rights management= copy protection

    I'm also quite surprised that Apple DRMs the songs as they are downloaded. All it takes is a hack into the servers housing the music and there goes the neighborhood.

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  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 02:53 PM
    The first part of you statement is not a very intelligent one. If you believe a law to be immoral or against the freedom of the people then it is your duty especially in this country to stand up against it, not cower away and create a separate place to dwell. If everyone took your stance then when major changes need to happen to our laws people would have gathered together to leave the country instead of trying to work and fix the problem and raise awareness of the problem.

    Yes, they would. Most countries are started because the old one was unjust or inadequate in some regard. Working to change the law is not the same as breaking the law. You have every right to write to your Congressmen, lobby whomever you'd like, and voice your protest against the law. You do not have the right to break it.

    Bound? Yes. But that does not mean I abdicate my responsibility to T-H-I-N-K for myself. You seem to be happy letting those who pass laws think for you. I care about my own life and sanity a bit too much to let others tell me how to live. Thank you very much.
    You can think for yourself all you like, but the law is still the law. If you choose to break it, then you choose to break it, but that does NOT make the law irrelevant. You are breaking the law. That is my only point.

    Glad you belive this junk. I don't. but then, I think for myself. You do make me laugh with the whole "protect the weak" nonsense. Let me guess, the RIAA are protecting the weak again those strong 13 year-olds who want to listen to free music. Riiiiight.

    PS: Your basic social theory has led to a world order ruled by the strong over the weak
    If you'd read more carefully, you would see that I didn't say that we aren't living in a society dominated by the strong. You would see that I was pointing out that no laws at all would make the situation even worse. The RIAA is not the government or the law. They might have successfully lobbied for it, but the law is well within their rights as the owners of the music. Take a step back and look at the rest of the law. Are murderers caught and taken away? When people steal something from you, are they not caught and not prosecuted? Do people regularly go around, shooting and stealing, with no one to stop them? The answer might be "sometimes," but with your "think for yourself attitude" the answer would be "all the time." People would do whatever they had the power to do, because there would be no consequences and no one to protect the weak at all. The main point of that part of my answer was to point out your argument failure: the fallacy of argument from ignorance (that your own evidence can be used AGAINST you, rendering it invalid).

    By that logic, women would still not be able to vote. Look at other societies that do not allow people to protest "unjust" laws. Compare where they stand to where we stand. I am simply trying to take us further still down the road of freedom for all humans. Anything that acts to restrict the natural association of humans is a Bad Thing�. DRM, by definition, falls into this category.
    That, sir, is a load of crap. The law allowed only men above 21 to vote. Women were not covered in that. Therefore, the rights of women were constricted. This is not the case. You have "fair use" laws, and DRM laws to protect fair use. The DRM laws do not narrow your scope of access to those "fair use" laws--and if you have a problem with fair use, bring it up with someone who will do something about it. You also don't live in a society where you are not allowed to protest. Sit ins and marches during the Civil Rights movement were entirely legal forms of protest for the most part. "Anything that acts to restrict the natural association of humans" is NOT a bad thing. Again, the reason we have society is because we have rule of law. Restrictions on actions protect the freedoms of others who cannot secure those freedoms on their own. DRM has nothing to do with "the natural association of humans," either, so I don't know where you're going here.

    Again, I am bound by these laws but I do not need to AGREE with them. Do you agree with them? [That is a direct question btw.]

    All actions (free or not free) require sacrifices. So what is your point?
    It doesn't matter whether you agree with them or not. You don't have the right to break them. I do believe in the law, I believe DRM protects artists in theory, and I do not believe that people have any excuse for breaking the law in this case. It is not a social injustice, it is not a repressive law, and it is not your natural right to do whatever you want with something that does not belong to you (the music of others). I believe that DRM is flawed because not every stereo, car, computer, music player, cell phone, PDA, internet appliance, and jukebox in existence is compatible with one another, making it difficult to listen to your music in all of those environments. But the competition is the best form of "free association" available: you're given a choice how to get your music. Not all of it works with all of your devices, but that part is up to you. If I buy a book written in Russian, it's my fault that I can't read Russian and assuming I can't translate it (which is very time consuming), I have to buy it again in English. That's the way it is, and it doesn't infringe on anyone's freedoms.

    Option C (Something Different): Think for yourself and live life according to your own laws

    I will take C cuz it allows for both A & B while reserving my ability to think for myself.
    Neither options A nor B restrict your ability to think for yourself. What option C does is make you liable to punishment and prosecution. Live life how you feel is best, but understand that if and when you choose to break a law (we all do it, and speeding is a perfect example), you might benefit from it, but you also have to prepared to pay the fines when you get caught. Do I really care about people stealing music? No, I'm not the RIAA. Do I think it's ridiculous that people can rationalize it to the point where they think they're entitled to it, or that it's acceptable to break the law for their own convenience, or worst of all, that they're not really even breaking a law? Abso-freaking-lutely.

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  • BRLawyer
    May 2, 01:52 PM
    So let me get this straight:

    1 - I must search for something on the Internet that leads me to that link (probably suspicious already);
    2 - Javascript, IF activated, will start downloading a file, even though such a process can be stopped in the Safari downloads window;
    3 - The suspicious ZIP file MUST be opened, this happening automatically ONLY if the "safe files" option is activated;
    4 - I must OPEN the unzipped suspicious file, which will then lead me to a suspicious installer;
    5 - I must AUTHORIZE the computer to install the suspicious file by providing my password;
    6 - EVEN after doing all that, I can just kill processes and delete the file so that all is fine again.

    And people still wanna call that "virus" or "malware"? Gimme an effing break! I've got a lot more damage from script kiddies who once sent me a disguised terminal command as a PDF file.

    This is a non-issue...Winblows fanboys, can't you come with something better than this? :cool:

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  • OllyW
    Mar 12, 04:27 AM
    Nuclear experts are speculating that the explosion was caused by hydrogen gas released from water that's come into contact with the overheating fuel rods.

    "If nuclear fuel rods overheat and then come into contact with water, this produces a large amount of highly-flammable hydrogen gas which can then ignite,"

    BBC live update (

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  • macrookie101
    Jun 14, 01:42 PM
    Theres one thing about Apple and thats they know how to integrate software and hardware to make a very slick user experience so i wouldn't rule Apple out :cool:

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  • w0by
    Aug 23, 12:47 PM
    Eh, I just blame AT&T for having the iPhone and not fixing their issues. I pay my ** $120 ** phone bill every month for my iPhone, and I don't even have unlimited calling/texting, so therefore AT&T needs to fix their crap.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 15, 10:02 AM
    I don't agree. If those groups got organized, their message would eventually get picked up my the media. It's not like LGBT groups were started last weekend and, bam, the media picked up on it. It took decades for them to get to this point of media attention.

    And I agree with Heilage: the message from the video doesn't only apply to LGBT folk.

    Problem you run into is those other groups are not targeted for endless bully as a group. Take a fat kid. A fat kid being bullied is going be hit or miss. I can not promise you that the fact kid will be bullies but I can promise you a LGBT is going to be bullied. On top of that the public at large does not target fat people for being harrassed but they do target the LGBT. Hence no real way for a small group to orginzed or the groups originations to get the message out.

    My fear and hell already seeing it happening is bulling in it self is not being targeted to try to shut down and protect kids from it but instead you are finding them focusing really hard on protecting LGBT from harrassement in both legal terms and school rules. Never minding the others who get targeted. If you are not being pick on for LGBT reasons the school policies do not offer you much protection. That is the reality.
    I have a problem with bulling in general as I was pushed to my limits growing up. I fear that it will get viewed as a LGBT issue only and as such only try to be stop from that angle and that can not be allowed to happen.
    Now I will agree LGBT kids have some other larger mental problems they will be suffering with as they will be struggling comes to terms with them being LGBT and chances are a lot higher they will not have support at home on top of being pick on at school so it is a lot of extra crap to be pilled on top of the bulling itself.

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  • kdarling
    Apr 21, 09:01 AM
    And a nice Skype app that was able to send your private data out.

    You apparently didn't read the article you quoted.

    That version of Skype (since fixed) did not itself send any private data, which by the way, it has your permission to access.

    It had a bug in the file permissions it used for caching contact etc info, which meant that it was possible for someone to write an app to look at it, since Skype didn't encrypt their cache files. There's no evidence anyone did so, though.

    Kind of like how iOS apparently has a bug where our location history is available to anyone who writes an app to look at it.

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  • inkswamp
    Feb 22, 06:29 PM
    What are we on now, like, the 3rd rev. of the iPhone hardware? Think back to the 3rd rev. of the iPod (I don't even think that version had a color screen yet.) How about the third rev. of OS X? Third rev. of the iMac?

    I think one thing speculation like should should take into account is that Apple is incredibly aggressive about updating their products and what lies ahead can often, drastically change the playing field.

    Remember the end of 2006 when the Zune was announced and everyone was running around spazzing out about how dead Apple was and all the usual Microsoft cheerleaders in the tech press were practically wetting themselves in excitement? And a mere month later, what happened? The iPhone was unveiled and all but nullified the Zune.

    I think anyone engaging in this kind of speculation should keep that in mind.

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  • timswim78
    Sep 12, 07:35 PM
    I could not disagree more.

    It exceeds the xBox 360 due to the inclusion of HDMI.
    - XBOX might be getting HDMI, or maybe not.

    It will play DVD's, for sure, through the desktop server
    - Not very convenient to have to have a computer turned on to play DVD's. If your computer is in another room, changing DVD"s will be a real pain in the neck. It would be a whole lot simpler to just have a DVD drive in the unit.

    It uses the superior FrontRow navigation system
    - Superior to what? FrontRow has nothing on MCE's interface. I've used both, and MCE is better, IMO. (Of course, MCE allows one to record television.)

    It has a cleaner appearance than xbox, no power brick, runs quieter and cooler
    - No moving parts would make something quieter and cooler. However, this is not a standalone unit, and the need to run a server computer changes the quietness and coolness. I don't really want to look at computer or A/V equipment anyway.

    Will not crash like the hot running xBox.
    - And you know this from the test unit that Apple sent to you?

    Will be prices slightly cheaper allowing for inclusion on multiple TV's throughout the home
    - Cheaper than what? Or do you mean a quantity based discount?

    It does not play games will work in Apple's favor as many parents don't want this feature for their children.
    - So, these paretns should buy a networked DVD/Media player or a Media Center Extender. Are these the same parents that don't want their kids watching crappy TV, or is it OK for kids to watch horrible televsion programming as long as they don't play games?

    Digital Cable and TV recording to Hard Disk are handled by the Media SERVER (desktop) using cheap and currently available 3rd party products -- watch for apple to bundle this in the coming year and one half.
    - Sounds like a hodge-podged mess to me. If you really want simplicity, just buy a Media Center PC and one of the Windows Meda Extenders.

    iTV is a winner for sure.
    - I'll hold off judgement until I try one out for myself. (Actually, I probably won't try one. I only have on small TV in my house, and I only get over-the-air HDTV programming, no cable or sattelite.)

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 10:04 AM
    Before I'd consider suicide on being fat I would first try to loose some weight maybe. I lost 30 kilograms (keeping that weight for some years now) and I am very happy with that. My personal receipt was to distract from eating with wonderful electronic gadgets. I don't need to medicate my diabetes II any more. Just try that. It's possible.

    But being homosexual seems to be something unchangeable, you can't do anything against that obviously even when you are mentally strong. So there are lots of desperate people. Maybe helful: Imagine (or even better: meet) a person that is jewish, black, gay, fat, small, handicapped and bold altogether. And see how happy this person is maybe or how this person stays alive in our cruel community.

    So basically, fat kids deserve to be bullied! Crying themselves to sleep every night is sure to burn extra calories. We should give the bullies a medal for helping reduce our public health care costs.

    But hands off the gays!

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  • milo
    Sep 20, 11:21 AM
    This must be a US-centric view. Here (UK) PVRs with twin Freeview (DTT) tuners and 80GB HDs are everywhere. And they are very cheap now (120 quid upwards).

    I'm thinking of ditching my cable provider (NTL, I only get it for Sky One, which is just Simpsons repeats) and going with something like this:

    Apparently you can DL what you record to your Mac (USB). I suspect you'll then be able to play that on iTV.

    Looks like a cool box, but still pretty expensive, $525 USD. And I assume not available in the USA. Anyone know what the cheapest PVR you can buy in the states is?

    The only differences between a Mini and iTV are the connections on the back, better wireless speed and no DVD. Its pure the price and software that makes it a media device and not a computer.

    And the fact that you can't use the iTV as a computer! The iPod can play audio and video like a mini can, does that make the iPod "a cut down mini" too?

    If I have a mini, couldn't I use it as an iTV with frontrow? Why would I get an iTV when I can get a refirb mini for $200 more, when it can do more?

    Because it's $200 more. And this is just the initial pricing, as time goes on the iTV will get cheaper faster than computers do.

    I'm wondering why they couldn't/wouldn't just combine the mini and the iTV into a single unit. The mini's size could allow for a DVD slot/player/burner and maybe even allow for the Mac OS in the box, so you don't need another computer to stream your media from. In fact, I assumed that was what the Mini was ultimately destined for anyway.

    Because it would be way more expensive than $200, with little chance of prices dropping much.

    Since iTV most likely wont be a DVR device, I coughed up $700 today for a Sony DVR instead.
    I am sure Apple has a brilliant plan for the iTV, but I fail to see it.

    Well, the first step of the plan is to cost less than $700. :eek: At that price, the technology will never be anything more than a niche.

    because everything on cable is available at itunes. your analogy is wrong.

    He was talking about the future of iTunes/iTV. Who's to say that someday everything on cable won't be on iTunes?

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  • Marx55
    Sep 26, 03:17 AM
    So, first it was the number of transistors per processor, then they coupled that with higher clock speeds (MHz) and now with multi-cores inside multi-processors.

    Is there a limit to such growth with the current technology?

    Anything after that? The optical computer that works with light instead of electricity and thus does not heat soo much? Any roadmap?


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  • skunk
    Mar 14, 07:38 PM
    Did they attack your reading comprehension skills too?No, they didn't. They wouldn't dare. ;)

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  • iliketyla
    Apr 21, 07:15 PM
    Unfortunately we have a whole heap of 'computer experts' on this forum who attach 'virus' onto anything they want whilst ignoring there is a huge difference between a malware and a virus.

    I know I'm going to get flamed, but in the 7 or 8 years before I was bought a Macintosh computer, I never once encountered a virus while using Windows machines. Malware, yes. But ever since I gained even the most basic knowledge of how to use a computer competently, I have zero problems anymore.

    I can seamlessly go from Windows to Macintosh with no problems.

    Maybe I don't represent the majority of the population, but it always annoys me when people perpetuate this thinking that Windows is so virus filled.

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  • skunk
    Apr 24, 11:00 AM
    So why would you need to adapt your beliefs, unless of course the god doesn't exist and the Bible was just written by a bunch of blokes performing a rather cynical political exercise 2,000 years ago.How could you even think such a thing?

    Apple OC
    Apr 23, 05:42 PM
    exactly ^^^ you either believe or you don't

    Mar 13, 05:49 PM
    Government officials are government officials-- they will never outright tell you the truth, because 9 times out of 10 they're uninformed about it or were told to say something they may not necessarily believe. They usually try to cover their bases-- see this way the government is covered in case something does happen.

    And yet, government is ultimately the main source of information about nuclear power. Most atomic scientists work for the government. Almost all nuclear power plants are government funded and operated. Whatever data we employ in debates can usually be traced back to government scientists and engineers.

    This is what I dislike. Not to get all political here, but alternative energy, however nice, is nowhere even close to providing the power we need.

    Who's to say how much energy we need? And what do we really 'need' as opposed to 'want'? What people 'need' and what they 'want' are often two different things. I think it's time for a paradigm shift in the way we live.

    Windmills cannot ever meet energy demand; we're talking about a 5% fill if we put them everywhere. They're also too costly at this point for their given power output. Solar energy, though promising, still has a piss poor efficiency, and thus isn't ready for prime usage for some time. There's really no other alternatives.

    Whenever I hear/read the phrase "there are no alternatives" I reach for my revolver.

    Apr 9, 08:33 AM
    Hardcore Gamer? You've lost your way.

    Hehe. You're funny.

    Hardcore gaming is playing a lot of games, the hardware bragging & taxonomy of gamers is a penis envy thing.

    I'm off to play with my 9.7 incher.

    Oct 31, 01:14 PM
    Buy what you need when you need it and that's all there is to it.

    That really is the truth. My dual 3.0 xeon will not be the top dawg within months, most likely, but I had to get it in order to finish this film and, as importantly, to bump my old top dawg Dual 2.0 G5 to my prep/photoshop/audio machine. My workflow involves two machines and my old MDD Dual 1.25 was the one that really needed to go.

    I'm fine with four cores for now and, in a year or two, whenever I can justify a new machine, the Dual 3.0 will get knocked off the perch and I'll get the latest and greatest. I just wish that RAM and peripherals didn't add so much to the cost of a production machine these days, but that's life.

    Mar 18, 09:13 AM
    And stop making silly assumptions about subjects you know nothing about.

    I've had an iPhone for a few years now and have unlimited data.

    It's a very clear line to me and many/most people who aren't so stubborn to think of the big picture.

    You can only use x amount of data a month using your phone if you're on an unlimited plan. Realistically - even if you're eating as much as you can - there's a "limit" you can reach. Not because of ATT - but because of what your phone can actually access/handle. ATT's bean counters multiply/average out typical usage on a single device basis.

    Now if you use that phone to supply 2,3,4 or more devices - you are using data in a way that was not agreed upon and isn't in line with what has been accounted for. If you don't understand this basic concept - there's little I can do. You can not LIKE it. But if you don't understand that there's a difference here - then you're lost.

    Conversely - if someone spends money to buy a clearly finite (and smaller) chunk of data - and they want to spread it out however they want - I see little problem with that. The fact that ATT does bothers me. But it's not my problem as I don't have that plan and I don't tether using my iPhone.

    This same thread/discussion has happened a million times before. Those that feel "entitled" will argue every excuse under the sun why they should be allowed and how evil ATT is. And those that can see the big picture of cause/effect will be seen by those people as shills or some other name calling word.

    And I just LOVE (sarcasm) that people bring up wanting to sue or that they could go to court over this. Whatever happened to taking responsibility for ones own actions.


    ATT sold you an iPhone Unlimited Data Plan

    Do you understand - it was an IPHONE unlimited data plan. They didn't sell you an unlimited iPhone + laptop + desktop + ipad + other device data plan.

    It's always the guilty who shout the loudest because they really have nothing to lose, do they. At best - they might get away with it - at worst, their situation remains the same.

    Sounds to me like you're pissed you got caught. That's all that's happening here...

    Quite simply, you're wrong, and worse you're creating fantasy. You claim tethering was not agreed upon. What was, exactly? Using safari? What about Opera?

    I think not. Get your frigging facts straight before opening your mouth. AT&T screwed up when they offered unlimited data, and they're content to break the law in order to fix their mistake.

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