Friday, May 20, 2011

magnolia tree leaves

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 07:43 PM
    What about this:

    Cooling, warming, cooling, warming...Sheesh, it's almost like it's mother nature, NOT us. Doesn't she know it's US! And that little ice age in the 16th to 18th centuries? what's that all about?

    Again, sheesh. It's like mother nature is doing it herself!!! And jeez, how about the greenhouse effect? I thought it was bad until my college Blue Planet teacher told us that if we didn't have it, the planet would be one big snowball. None of the students knew what to think, after years of telling us greenhouse effects are bad. Thank god all those carbon dioxide emissions are breathed up by plants...
    ehm, it is slightly more complex than that.
    Think of earth as one big very very complex dynamical system. You change one varible and all the other variables will change too. If you are lucky the system will converge back to the original equilibrium. However, if you change a/some variables sufficiently much, the system will:
    a) converge to a new equlibrium
    b) oscillate
    All serious climate researchers claim that we are about to change a/some variables sufficiently much (read. CO2) The fact that we already have chopped down large protions of the rain forrest doesnt help us since CO2 are used in photosynthesis.

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 20, 10:08 PM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding � Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    Not really. With a PC, you could upgrade to a newer version of Windows any time you wanted to. With Android, you have to wait for the mobile carrier to allow it. If they ever do at all.

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  • jazzkids
    May 6, 08:56 PM
    Hopefully someone at ATT will read these posts! In the same boat, last 3-4 weeks been getting worse in R.I.

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  • jlc1978
    Mar 18, 07:06 AM
    They joys of an unregulated mobile industry..... being stuck with only 1 (until recently) choice of carrier, 2 year contracts, paying extra for tethering, PAYING for incoming calls (WTF:eek:).
    I'm glad I'm stuck in over regulated EU. On the up side, you yanks get to play with all the new toys first :rolleyes:

    Actually, you can buy unsubsidized phones and have no contract lock just as in the EU; plus we don't get charged extra for calling a cell phone from another phone - and given the calling plans and unlimited minutes between the same carrier / friends / evenings using minutes for incoming calls is a non-issue for virtually all US phone users - I'd rather have that then have to pay to call a cell phone.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 29, 12:29 PM
    In theory you're correct, Multimedia.

    In practice, it is possible that a multi-threaded program might have synchronization or logic bugs that don't show up with 4 CPUs, but do show up with 8 CPUs. For example:

    Thread_ID tid[4];

    for (i=0; i<System.CPU_count(); i++)

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  • javajedi
    Oct 9, 01:29 PM
    Originally posted by Backtothemac
    Tell you what. I am setting up a Dual 867 for the Mall store with 256 MB Ram, and this thing is installing Windows under VPC faster than the PIII 733's that we have here. They are not SLOW! They may not have as fast a clock speed as a PC but who really gives a crap!

    Macs have again taken the lead in my opinion with OS X and the Dual 1.25.

    No one will ever change my mind. Call me a zealot, but that is what I think.

    How incredibly ignorant. You know as well as everyone else here that this is complete ************. What really pisses me of is when people with agendas put spin on an issue. This is exactly what you are doing. Your remark is equally as arrogant as saying "PC's are faster and nobody will change my mind because they boot in 10 seconds in Windows XP and the Mac takes over a minute."

    This attitude does not help Apple, and it does nothing but hurt the Mac community. You know folks it's interesting when you look back to the early to mid 90's at all the Windows bigots... you know those people who we tried to show them something intresting, something different, and something cool... the Macintosh, and they are entirely closed minded and extremely aggrogant. No matter how what you did, said, or anything else mattered. I'm seeing the exact same thing here, and it's discusting.

    I would suggest you �Think Different.�..

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  • therevolution
    Mar 18, 05:02 PM
    There's a big difference. This is not a system security flaw. It's simply a matter of someone reverse engineering a file format. AFAIK, there isn't a single file format which has not been reverse engineered. That's actually a trivial task.
    Um, wrong. Did you read the story?

    Currently, when you buy a song from iTunes, it sends the song to you with no DRM. Your copy of iTunes then adds the DRM using your personal key. So, if you make a copy of the song before iTunes adds the DRM, you've got a DRM-free music file. That's it.

    I say go DVD Jon. DRM like this is doomed to fail. If you can hear it, you can copy it. Simple as that. Maybe one day the RIAA will figure that out... probably not, though.

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  • skunk
    Apr 23, 04:01 PM
    I'm not saying that I'm a devout Christian or anything of the sort, I'm agnostic, but it's based on Reason.It's good to hear that, unlike anybody else, you have a reason for your stance. Otherwise we might have to put you down as "intellectually lazy", too.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 6, 04:59 PM
    OK, it seems like Woodcrest was officially unveiled by Intel on July 27 and the new Mac Pros were available for purchase (same day they were announced) on August 7.

    So if it goes like that, we could see these things as early as late November, right? Just doing some wishful thinking! :)

    Ugh, it's gonna be hard waiting until December or January. I just hope the price won't be so much higher than what we see now.

    It's difficult to say. Intel has been making engineering samples of Cloverton available to companies like Apple and Dell and motherboard makers for a while now. From the time Intel formally announces availability to the time we can buy a Cloverton Mac Pro should be a matter of days, maybe a week or two. Now, if there are problems with cooling or voltage or BIOS/ROM incompatibilities/bugs to work out, then it could be longer. I'm pretty confident that it won't be a delay anywhere near as long as the Merom Macbook[Pro] delay.

    2.66GHz (or 3GHz? maybe?) Cloverton Mac Pro for me... :D Hopefully they have a better graphics card offering than the current choices too.

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  • Timothy
    Mar 19, 01:43 PM
    Long post, my apologies.

    No apologies needed. It was well-said, and I agree with you completely.

    The ongoing justification of bypassing or defeating the DRM, as though this is somehow a "moral" action is pathetic. Period.

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  • charliehustle
    Oct 15, 07:10 PM
    Some conventions are worth adopting, if only for the reasons they are created. For instance, when writing in the English language, the convention is to begin at the left, with each sentence starting with an upper case letter.

    Now, I have no evidence to guide me here, but I suspect you're either lazy, or your shift key has broken on your keyboard. PCs do tend to ship with poor, cheap keyboards based on a thirty year old design.

    But the important thing is that no matter if your points were in some small way credible, by presenting them the way you have, you've rendered the possibility of their credibility less easy to discern.

    Thank you for participating. The exit is on the left and the keyboard repair service is next to the typing 101 class.

    However, I love Google for many reasons. However, none of them is not that they make great hardware, support great software, support great hardware, or understand how to do any of these.

    Google's support of Adroid is both admirable and, to a large extent altruistic, as well as an attempt to expand into other markets. But like Amazon, they don't understand the game. The kindle, for instance is actually useless as a textbook medium, yet this hasn't stopped Bezos from hawking it as such.

    Apple's iPhone works because it has lineage, in terms of history, hardware and software development, and integrity, as well as reliability, developer support and marketing advantage. iMac begat PowerBook Ti, begat iPod, begat iPhone. NeXT begat Darwin, begat Mac OS X, begat iPhone OS. None of this is an accident. Apple designed this process. And they began in 1997 - if not earlier.

    Android only began as a techie wet dream in and is the 21st Century answer to the Kibbutz, or workers' collective. Both were very optimistic ideas with worthy ideals. But both failed because they relied upon a greater input of encouragement and resources than they were ever capable of producing in terms of meaningful contribution or profits.

    I'm sure there may well come a day when there are 125,000 developers working on Android applications. There may even be 85,000 applications available for the Android platform too - from some dark corners of the net. But no matter how many manufacturers jump on the Android handset bandwagon, none of them will come close to creating a coherent user-base, or to matching Apple's business model.

    And that, my dear typographically challenged friend is the key here. Ultimately, numbers are irrelevant if they only represent a fragmented 'diaspora' of the Android faithful. The sum total will only ever be quotable as a statistic.

    it's funny how you're complaining about sentence structure, when it's clear you can't even read...

    read post #134, incase you're too retarded to scroll,
    here you go

    Ya, Don't get me wrong, I own an iPhone, and I can't really see anything coming close to it in the next few years.
    And it's not that big of a deal if google takes over when it comes to market share, especially when they're giving android away for free.. (from a phone manufacturer point of view, it's saving them money)

    IMO, Google knows that it's gonna be pretty hard for them to increase revenue from anywhere except advertising, and they want to allow people who (for whatever reason) choose not to buy an iphone, still a chance to browse then net easily to click on their adds...

    17% of phones sold last year were smartphones, and I think thats going to increase year over year.. and regardless of what hardware you have, all google wants is more and more people on the internet, since they dominate online search.. (Bing is losing market share as we speak, and they're the only company with deep enough pockets to take a stab at google (microsofts operating cashflow is around 20 Billion, apple is only around 10 Billion)
    and apple does not look like they will ever try to tackle google when it comes to search..

    and personally, if there are over 30 phones running on android, it wouldn't be too hard to believe that for every one person that buys an iphone, there might be two people who purchase a phone that runs on android..

    but again, I think people assume that this means apple will be inferior in some way because they will not dominate the market share..and this is not true..
    they will continue to make a great product..and at the end of the day, it will inspire other companies to make better products..

    and I know I just blabed on, but about the last part of your post.. I think it would be really hard to see who is making more money,
    because google does not receive cash for android, but apple gains income from each iphone sale..
    but google indirectly makes money off any smartphone that can access the internet (assuming they use google search)

    at the end of the day, I like both companies for the service they provide.. I don't have a beef with apple in any way, even though it may sound like it..

    next time read before you post so you don't look stupid while trying to act smart..
    key word is "trying"

    ps. you can edit and send a final draft of my post to me through PM

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  • Palanka
    Oct 26, 12:00 AM
    I cant stand AT&T...Their service sucks.. Your company would go under if it were to their "business services" department.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 25, 07:05 PM
    I bet if you drink and swear enough you can get your hours cut back. Nothing says retirement like excessive liability.

    You don't know how wise your words are, with one bureaucratic "charity" that I have to deal with.

    They are nothing, if they are not all-consumed by worry over "liability".

    Good evening skunk. Nice to see you in such good health.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 26, 03:14 PM
    im hoping that apple has optimized leopard to be able to assign certain applications to certain cores. just like what some of the other posters have said

    4 cores for Cinema 4D
    1 core for internet and mail
    2 cores for photoshop
    1 core for quicktime dvd playback
    Unless you're doing realtime work with strict QoS demands, it's almost always better to let the OS schedule all threads across all CPUs.

    In the situation you describe, your browser would slow down when mail woke up to do something - even if QT or photoshop were idle.

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  • stoid
    Mar 18, 10:04 AM
    I'm just saying that the inevitable wrath-of-God response from Apple is somewhat unwarranted.

    More like the wrath-of-Jobs! :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I've never been one to agree with the Windows people that argue the security-by-obscurity for why Mac OS X is not hacked to bits like Windows, but it would seem that this adds aome serious fire to their arguement. Here in music where Apple is the most popular and widely used, they are getting hacked (semi-successfully) more often than their WMA counterpart.

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  • Mikael
    Jul 12, 05:35 PM
    I find this whole discussion slightly amusing, mostly because of the apparent need to draw a distinction between "professional" and "consumer" based on slight clock frequency differences. To me, a professional platform is defined by its configurability and flexibility. A professional platform is simply one that can be configured to fit the customers every need. Although CPU performance is important, it's hardly what I'd call the defining factor of wether a system is to be regarded as "pro" or not.

    I don't see any reason why a cheaper Mac Pro with a single 2.4GHz Conroe couldn't remain a machine aimed at professionals. Or does it have to have an outrageous price tag to qualify?

    The whole concept of drawing a line between pro machines and machines for mere mortals seems a little "old". There's nothing really special about a PowerMac or Mac Pro anyway. Put a mid range CPU in the machine and it fits the regular consumer just as well as a professional not demanding the absolute top end CPU performance.

    Maybe I've been damaged by the PC worlds lack of "pro-obsession", but I think it's a healthier approach.

    Merom will underperform a Conroe under equal high loads because of thermal constraints (in unmodified systems).
    It will? Do you have any source for this info? An Intel rep has said that Merom and Conroe are identical, except for a few differences having to do with p-states. This is unlikely to hinder performance at full load, so where did you get this contradicting info?

    Also, the largest part of the power savings between Merom and Conroe are likely to come from reduced core voltage. You will probably be able to come very close to Merom power levels by simply reducing the core voltage of a similarly clocked Conroe.

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 21, 08:51 AM
    So are you going to tell me that paying for tethering ON TOP OF DATA YOU ALREADY PAID FOR is fair? Data is data is data... 4gb is 4gb no matter how I use it. Tethering cost are a joke!:mad: /end rant

    You are joking right?

    Well, just think of it as paying toll on a road that your taxes had already paid for (probably a bad example).

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  • Mord
    Jul 12, 05:55 AM
    At what point servers began to demand less than workstations or regular desktops? Server-grade hardware (SCSI cards for example) are 8x pcie, so I expect nothing less from Apple server hardware. Anything less would be a joke.

    i meant for graphics.

    oh and stop with the quadruple posting, you can reply and open the thread in another tab and copy quotes across to multi quote, or just learn the quoting syntax and use one window

    as for why mac users use photoshop it's because the competitors suck, gimp is ok but nothing more, corel products make me want to pull my hair out and don't talk to me about fireworks is a completely different product.

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  • Cox Orange
    Apr 15, 02:40 PM
    could someone of the windows-people explain to me what the missing "Finder cut/paste" thing is all about? I am using OS 10.4.11 and if I go to the Finder and click on the second next menu next to the word Finder, a menu drops down where I can read:

    - r�ckg�ngig (backwards?)
    - wiederherstellen (restore?)
    - cut
    - copy
    - select all
    - paste
    - Zwischenablage einblenden (?show scratchboard??)
    - Sonderzeichen (special caracters?)

    Did they omit it in Snow Leopard?

    What do you windows-people use it for, I want to understand, what sense it makes marking a file or folder on the desktop (Finder) and selecting "cut" (which does actually not work on a Mac).

    BTW: a ton of free software is available at it's actually more of an index with explanations and user ratings.

    And this gives a quick overview over useful programs, I am sure there must be something similar in english (or use google translator).
    for beginners:

    Oct 30, 09:27 AM
    Im definitely ready to upgrade to a new Mac Pro, top of the line..
    The fact that the OctoMac could be released anytime between Black Friday and MWSF is really making me anxious..

    I fear that they hold it till MW.. and I jump the gun and buy a Quad. I mean Im using a Powerbook 1.67.. and multi-tasking like crazy.. The upgrade is a must.. sometimes Im running Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Itunes, Azureus, After Effects all at the same time.. Obviously as soon as I render, coffee break!

    The quad would still kick ass.. Octo would pave the road ahead.

    Keeping my eyes peeled on any indication of the TBA Octo. :cool: Post 163 (

    Running a bunch of apps simultaneously and switching around is not a multi-threaded workload but is multi-tasking. The Multi-Threaded Workload is like when you start rendering in one, then switch to another and start rendering there, then switch to another and start crushing video, then switch to another and start crushing another video with the second application of two needed to get it down to high quality mp4 like for example how I use Toast followed by Handbrake to first create high quality DVD Images then crush those further to high quality mp4 with Handbrake's 2-pass FFmpeg encoder. Toast can use up to all 4 Quad Mac Pro cores and Handbrake can use almost 3. I hope to God they still function properly on the Dual Clovertown Mac Pro.

    This would not resemble the workflow you exercise with a 1.67GHz PowerBook G4. You would be doing things in quite a different way with 8-cores at your disposal. But it does depend on how much you want to use multi-threaded applications simultaneously and as warned above, that what you use will not fold in the face of reports to them that there are more than 4 cores on board due to software authoring mistakes.

    Oct 13, 07:24 AM
    I have the nVidia 7800GT card in both my G5 quads. It and the Quadro FX4000 were Apple's first offerings with 2xdual-link ports that I'm aware of. They went to the ATI X1900XT with the Mac Pro and replaced the the FX4000 with the FX4500 sometime last spring. Anyway, I think all the G5 quads are PCI-E x16 capable so you should be able to drop in any Mac EFI compliant PCI-E video card that has the dual-link connectors, but I'm not positive on this. The x1900xt sops up an adjacent card slot, which isn't an issue on the Mac Pro, but could cause problems on a G5 depending on what you may have installed. But I'm willing to bet that the current 7300GT card for $149 (1x dual-link, 1x single-link) will work just fine. I'm sure someone knows for sure.

    And yeah, I will buy the Mac pro with the x1900xt unless something better comes along before I click the buy button.According to Apple none of the Mac Pro cards work in the Quad G5s and vice versa. Read rumor ATI is developing a 2xDual Link PCIe retail card that will work in Quads but haven't seen anything to reveal when it will finally ship. I guess that's a topic for discussion with ATI at MacWorld Expo.

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 28, 12:00 PM
    Yes, I would. But being gay is not a property I will ever lose. It's as much a part of me as my green eyes.
    Although I'll always have my Cerebral Palsy, I could lose it. Sure, Lee, your green eyes are parts of you. But you could still survive an eye transplant when the surgeon replaced them with eyes of another color. Although you may always be homosexual, you could still survive, even if you became heterosexual. Being-green-eyed isn't part of your essence. Neither is being-homosexual. But If you lost one or more essential properties, i.e., one or more parts of your essence, you would stop existing.

    Being-H20 is an essential property that water has. Something is water if and only if it's H2O. All water is H2O, and all H2O is water. So if you remove one or more atoms from any water molecule, then you destroy that water molecule, and it stops existing. After all, nothing can be both water and not water at the same time.

    Apr 6, 08:11 AM
    Once you start using it, you'll find that the Mac OS is a much more intuitive system, but you may have to unlearn the ways of the windows. With the Mac, the desktop paradigm is fully realised - so if you want to move something from one place to another, you do it just as you would in the real world, by picking it up and dropping it where you want it. Don't worry about opening the destination first, as the finder will automatically open windows for you.

    If you want keyboard shortcuts on the Mac, go into System Preferences and select keyboard, then you can add/change as many as you like. To change the defaults - just double click on the existing one.

    You can use smart folders on the Mac which basically perform a live search and update their contents automatically - this allows you to make a folder which contains any combination of files/folders/apps for any amount of time.

    Also, as pointed out by others here, Shift select is the same as Windows and if you do Cmd select, you can select the first two files, miss out the next one then select three more etc.

    Hope this helps, my advice is make the jump, you will not regret it.

    Jul 13, 09:03 AM
    930 is a netburst-CPU (P4) and those are absoluitely dirt-cheap these days, dual-core or not. Intel is basically donating them to OEM's these days. Not so with Conroe.

    So Dell has a system with dirt-cheap CPU and that vaunted Dell-"designed" case for under $1000. And you are now expecting to get an Apple-system with kick-ass case and considerably more expensive CPU with just $200 extra?

    That said, I would like to see a Apple minitower-system that uses the Conroe. It wont be as cheap as Dell, since whereas Dell might cut corners everywhere, Apple simply does not. Even their cheapest system (Mini for example) are very refined. Could you imagine an Apple-system that is made from cheap plastic (like this HP-system standing next to me)? I sure as hell can't.

    Fine what would you pay? Whats fair? Seems like Apple's product line says 'take it or leave it with the imac' or 'cough up a lung for the Pro line'. There's nothing in the middle.

    Yes, I appreciate the Apple design considerations. I'm willing to pay a premium for it. The question is - How much?

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